Podiatry Treatments For Kids

Why You Definitely Deserve A Brand New Ankle

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If you’ve been dealing with severe ankle arthritis for a while, your doctor may have recommended getting an ankle replacement at some point. If you shrugged off this suggestion, you’re not alone. Many patients initially avoid getting an ankle replacement or tell themselves that it’s just not worth the hassle. Now, it’s important to be honest. An ankle replacement is not an instant miracle. It is a surgical procedure, and as such, it does come with some risks and recovery time. Read More»

Common Foot Complications Caused By Diabetes

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Diabetes is a complex health condition that affects different parts of the body. Many people who have diabetes experience a variety of complications with their feet, and some of these complications can be very serious. If you have recently been diagnosed with diabetes, you will need to find a podiatrist, which is a foot doctor. You will need regular appointments with a foot doctor as well as your primary care physician and endocrinologist. Read More»

What Treatments Are Available For Plantar Fasciitis?

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Plantar fasciitis is one of the most difficult conditions related to the feet you may experience. While plantar fasciitis is not uncommon, the condition can seriously impact your life. Fortunately, several treatments are available to ensure that you can get back to your normal life with as little pain as possible. These are some of the treatments you might consider. Medications Medications are a common form of treatment to help patients cope with the pain of plantar fasciitis. Read More»

3 Tips To Keep Your Feet Healthy As A Runner

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Running is one of the oldest sports known to man. It’s a sport that’s easy for beginners to start, and it’s accessible for most people; all you need to start running is a pair of shoes and a place to run. However, running can be hard on your feet if you’re not careful. Here are three tips that can help you keep your feet healthy as a runner: 1. Wear the right shoes. Read More»

Footing The Bill: How To Pay Your Podiatrist For Services Rendered

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As a general rule, most specialists are paid for their services via healthcare insurance, but what if you do not have insurance? If you were already seeing a podiatrist when you lost your insurance, then what do you do? What happens if you need to see a podiatrist, but you cannot cover the costs? Here are a few ways you can approach this problem and still treat your foot pain, foot fungus, and foot diseases. Read More»