Podiatry Treatments For Kids

3 Foot Issues You Should Not Ignore

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Anytime there is pain in the body, it’s usually a warning something is not quite right. It may be minor, such as a sore back from moving, or it may be severe, like that of a gallbladder acting up. One of the most annoying pains is foot pain. It may not always be severe, but it certainly can make life more miserable. Foot pain can make it difficult to walk, work, and exercise. Read More»

How To Treat The Foot Pain Caused By Over-Use Of Your Feet

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Whether you have to stand on your feet all day at work, are taking your family to a large theme park, or will be spending a week hiking on a remote trail, it is important for you to know how to care for your feet when they invariably become sore. While there are a few things you can do to prevent some foot pain, over-using your feet for many hours will nearly always make them tired and sore. Read More»

How To Run With Bunions

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If you are unlucky enough to have developed a bunion while you were running, you might be worried that your favorite form of exercise is impossible now unless you get surgery or wait for it to heal. Luckily, this is not the case. Although bunions can be painful, there are things that you can do to run with bunions successfully while you wait for surgery to become a viable option for your current situation in life. Read More»

The Do's And Don'ts Of Caring For Foot Blisters

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Blisters on the feet are relatively common, especially if you’re an athlete or you spend a lot of time on your feet. Most often, they heal up on their own with little to no intervention as long as you take steps to stop the rubbing. However, many people make mistakes when caring for their blisters, which may lead to infections and slow healing. Adhere to these do’s and don’ts the next time you develop a blister on your foot. Read More»

Signs That May Iindicate A Fractured Foot

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It is important to make sure that you are well aware of the signs that you may have a foot that is fractured. This way, you will be able to quickly schedule an appointment with a podiatrist in order get the best help possible. Pain That Gets Worse With Movement Or Pressure While you can have pain in your foot without it being fractured, it may very well be a fracture if the pain gets significantly worse when you move it or you place pressure on the foot. Read More»