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Four Common Foot Injuries Found In Athletes

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No matter what sport you are involved in, the risk of injury is always there. Taking precautions and staying in shape is important but even then, the possibility of a foot, ankle, or leg injury is there. If you start to experience pain or discomfort in your feet or ankles, seeking the advice of a sports medicine doctor or a podiatrist is important. There are some common sports-related foot injuries to be aware of so if any of these appear, take the time to have them checked out right away.

Sprains and Strains

One of the most common injuries is a sprain. Runners are often the victims of ankle sprains and while they are not long term injuries in most cases, the pain will still sideline the runner and could affect training schedules or upcoming competitions. While a minor sprain will heal with rest and proper attention, painful sprains may require medications or splints to heal properly. It can also be hard to tell if the sprain involved just the muscle or affects other tissues so a doctor should be consulted for them.


The displacement of the toe next to the big toe is called hammertoe and it is typically found in football kickers. The condition can become very painful and can even make it very difficult for the athlete to wear shoes without discomfort. The condition can also occur in runners in some cases. If left untreated, the toe can stay in that position and cause long term problems and pain.

Plantar Fasciitis

Micro tears along the Fasciitis, the tendon the runs under the bottom of your foot, is most often an injury found in long distance runners. It causes pain first thing in the morning and when under strain that is often centered in the area near the heel. If you develop this condition, a visit to the doctor is necessary for treatment. Left untreated the pain can last for months.

Stress Fractures

Small fractures to the bone in the foot can be caused by repeated pounding of the foot against the ground or in athletes that are involved in jumping sports. It is also more commonly found in the northern hemisphere and areas where there is more cold weather as athletes are limited in the time the spend outside in these climates and can be vitamin D deficient. The condition is not limited to specific athletes but can be found in almost any athlete the runs a lot of jumps, hurdles, or puts extreme pressure on their feet.

Consult a professional like Dr. Lisa M. Schoene to learn more.
